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EOFY is also a busy time for phishing emails

Written by Emily Gam | 12-Jun-2019 04:03:52

All year round scammers send out emails claiming to be from big organisations like the ATO, big banks and even services like Netflix to try to get you to click the dodgy links on their emails.

EOFY isn’t just a busy time for accountants and business owners, now is the time the scammers also ramp up their efforts. In a period where people are expecting to hear from either their accountant or the ATO they are much more likely to fall for a phishing email and that’s just what the scammers are counting on.

During this busy time of year is a good time for both you and your clients to refresh your knowledge of phishing emails and your cyber security processes.

Check out our infographic below to see what the common red flags are in scam and phishing emails.