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Everything you need to know about digital transformation for businesses

Written by Strategic Group | 16-Aug-2021 00:38:31

Technology has completed shifted the way businesses work, placing pressure on owners to undertake a digital transformation to keep up with competitors and their customer needs.

A digital transformation is the integration of digital technology within all areas of a business. From communication tools and business processes to culture and customer experience.

A digital transformation takes a business into the 21st Century without losing your fundamental processes.

If you’ve ever felt like your business isn’t across the latest technology or your processes are too slow, than a digital transformation might just be what you need!



Why are digital transformations for businesses so important?

A digital transformation for businesses is a necessary disruption to the way you operate. It allows you to improve the way you operate internally, revamp your processes and refine the way you deliver your services in a largely digitised world.

It can also give you a significant boost above competitors operating in your industry if they are slow to embrace technology.

A digital transformation also has numerous benefits including:

  • It’s environmentally friendly – say goodbye to paper!
  • It can streamline your processes
  • It can improve your staff’s efficiency
  • It’s cost-efficient

How does a digital transformation for business work?

The process looks different across every unique business, but can involve a complete overhaul to your operations or shift to your current technology uses. Each has a significant impact on your business’ success.

It’s important that you work with an IT provider that will tailor your new system around your business’ needs.

Take, for example, one of our clients who underwent a digital transformation – AFS Associates. We conducted a thorough review of their current IT systems and recommended improvements, including:

  • Introducing cloud software (VAULT);
  • Investing in laptops and technology that allowed staff to move around the office and work from anywhere;
  • A simple meeting, video conferencing and phone system that reduced communication complexity internally and in the way they service their clients;
  • Reducing paper by implementing the right digital technologies.

Read more about how we helped AFS Associates by clicking here.

How can you ensure your digital transformation is successful?

Having the right buy-in from internal staff, including the leaders in the business as well as staff and those involved in the process, is vital. As is having access to the right skills and expertise through an IT business that has extensive experience supporting businesses through a digital transformation – like us!


I think my business needs a digital transformation – what are the next steps?

We recommend taking our Digital Maturity Test to discover your score and see where your business sits in regards to systems that will help your business succeed. Once you understand where your business is rated, we recommend you speak to a team of expert IT specialists.

Our IT experts will fully manage your digital transformation from conception through to delivery, and help deliver the agreed upon improvements across all aspects of your business.

Click here to organise a meeting to discuss how digital transformation can help your business.