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What businesses should learn from Jennifer Lawrence's nude selfie leak

Written by Strategic Group | 09-Sep-2014 23:20:32

Various outlets rushed to figure out exactly how the nude photos of around 20 celebrities were leaked online last week.

The scandal possibly made you ponder what files you have in the Cloud – or sent you scrambling to change your password.

Cloud storage devices such as iCloud, Dropbox and Google Drive offer a central place to save files, eliminating the need for data back-up and enabling us to access our data from anywhere using any device. They are designed to make our lives simpler – until something goes wrong.

How bulletproof are your accounts? - According to Apple, the hackers targeted usernames, passwords and security questions. Typically, usernames are email accounts. Typically email accounts, particularly work email accounts, are given openly. Once a hacker has your email/username it is possible for them to crack a short or simple password using brute force tactics in a matter of days.

Weigh up the risk and consequences - How exposed are you?
Many organisations use cloud storage accounts such as Dropbox, using corporate emails as usernames. While it may be difficult to predict the level of risk of a security breach to your organisation, it may be easier to predict your client’s reaction...or your Boss's!

What could happen if a determined competitor gained access to your Cloud storage platforms?

Password security can reverse your vulnerability! - One way to protect yourself is to use highly secure passwords. We must have been gazing into our crystal ball when we sent a tipsheet to clients a fortnight ago regarding password security. This information is now on our blog.

Are you on the right Cloud platform?
There are so many providers - how can you tell which options pass muster? Unfortunately there is not a simple or best size fits all answer for that question.

DON’T PANIC - If you believe you might be at risk, drop us an email at info@strategic with your security or cloud related questions and we can steer you in the right direction. Alternatively give us a call on 1300 857 048.