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3 ways cloud computing can increase your productivity

Written by Emily Gam | 15-Mar-2017 21:00:00

Technology has helped to improve the ability for employees to collaborate and manage their time more effectively. Workplace productivity has increased an amazing 84% during the last 4 decades thanks to advancements in digital technology (study by O2 Business and CEBR).

Here are 3 ways that cloud computing can make your firm more productive:

  1. Collaboration

Using collaborative tools, such as Skype for Business, in the Cloud environment gives you the ability to communicate easily with your team outside of traditional methods. This is especially handy for businesses that have multiple offices, contractors or just want their different departments to interact more.

These tools can also help you to manage projects and keep an eye on the workload of your employees. The goals are clearer and the timeline can be followed precisely. Not to mention the nature of these tools can encourage greater relationships between departments and foster innovative and creative ideas.

  1. Downtime and DIY Updates

There are many times in life when we think to ourselves, "that's 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back", and while 30 minutes in a lifetime isn't a big deal, 30 minutes every working day is.

We’ve all heard the saying ‘time is money’, and it certainly rings true when talking about software updates getting in the way of staff, as well as managing countless software licenses and downtime.

Many accounting practices we have helped over the years have been managing their own software updates in an effort to reduce costs. The problem lies in the knock on effect of using staff to perform updates and scheduling downtime in business hours.

  1. Access from anywhere

Being able to access your business from anywhere means you can work from anywhere! You don’t have to waste time waiting at the airport because you can’t access the latest file to work on, or stall a project because a key member is out of the office.

The accessibility of the cloud means you can manage your entire business effectively and efficiency, giving you time to take a step back and work on your business, not in it.

As of 2015, 44% of SMEs in Australia were using the cloud in their business. With 36% reporting their most valuable feature is the ease of use and the convenience the cloud offers.

The cloud is an area of technology that can not only improve productivity in your business, but also your competitiveness is an increasingly globalised market.