Strategic Group Blog

Everything you need to know about IT and technology

Written by Emily Gam
on June 04, 2019

Chances are you’ve already used cloud computing today, whether it’s online banking or checking your social media accounts. There’s no doubt that cloud computing has increased productivity in our daily lives but can it be just as impactful for business? Moreover, are there any risks involved in taking your business into the cloud?

Cloud productivity in business

Technology has helped to improve the ability for employees to collaborate and manage their time more effectively. Workplace productivity has increased an amazing 84% during the last 4 decades thanks to advancements in digital technology (study by O2 Business and CEBR).

Accessibility – The cloud means you can access your data from anywhere in the world on whatever device you wish. Employees can work from home or while they are travelling for business.

Collaboration – Using collaborative tools like Slack allows your team to communicate quickly and effectively. This is great for businesses with multiple offices or teams and remote staff. These tools can also encourage better relationships between departments and help foster innovation through collaboration in your business.

Consistency – Using cloud software means that all your staff have access to the same version of the software. No longer having to worry about multiple licence types and updating different releases for different staff members.

What are the risks with cloud computing?

Like anything, there are always risks involved and cloud computing is no different. The key is to understand what the risks are and take steps to mitigate them.

Location – Even though it’s call cloud computing, the data still has to be hosted on physical infrastructure somewhere in the world. Make sure you know where your data will live and how is facility managed.

Be disaster ready - What if a giant flood knocked out your Cloud Provider's servers? Make sure your provider is utilising a two step backup, so that if disaster strikes and wipes out one, the other is still functional and your data safe. 

Retain ownership - it is important to know that you retain ownership of your data. There can be some very sneaky terms in fine print in contracts, so make sure you go over it with a fine toothcomb.

Done properly the cloud can be a huge productivity boost for any business, just make sure you know the risks and carefully evaluate the offerings in front of you.

IT Productivity Calculator

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